Time 6 pm – 7:05 pm

Location Humanities Reading Room, Library 5th floor

HGSA Board

Kelly Weber, President (Absent)

Anthony Koth , Internal Vice-President (Present)

Michael Heyes , External Vice-President (Present)

Carolyn Van Wingerden , Treasurer  (Present)

Larry A Butz , Secretary (Present)

Leo Costello (Faculty Sponsor) (Present)

Vlad, Linguistics Rep (Present)

Trustees meeting update and Data Collection

Dean Sanders has revealed it is hard to get into the meeting. It has to go through President’s office.

Next step? Dean Sanders seems to suggest we should be contributing our information gathering and efforts to the Provost and V-Provost offices in Office of Grad and Post-doc Studies. They will liaise with trustees.

If we want to go to trustees, which is questionable in terms of possible return on our effort, we have to lobby the President’s office.

The data collection process vis-à-vis department task forces remains unchanged. What has changed is our expectations of who will present to the data and frame the argument.

Another update: December is probably too early for Office of G&PD to present to Trustees.

However, dialogue is still open between Dean Shumway and these other parties. Those lines of communication may still be useful.

Trustees have been informed about our stipend issue by five people, on six occasions. We are looking for one more.

Is there anything to lose by petitioning the President’s office? Perhaps it is worth a go—but we need to be strategic about when we use this tool, because it is probably a one-off thing. Might be best to wait until the information collected has been delivered to the trustees, then get the meeting.

We might ask for HGSA to be included in the discussion about how the data we deliver is received and utilized. How can we be involved in their process leading up to Paula’s meeting with the trustees?

Anthony is going to contact Arnaud to discuss these issues.

Larry will send an update to reps on this issue and suggestions for department task forces.

Note: We have already agreed to get accomplishments information to Arnaud. We have not decided what will be done with peer institution comparisons in light of the news from Paula Sanders.

New Form, replacing spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/123JVogZy-7Af1cW3bxmcTA42TeYiYiaGisno1TeBRUQ/viewform

Expenses and necessary outside income should be added to information pooling. E.g., spousal support, outside jobs, parental support, etc.

Next Meeting with Dean Shumway

November 20th at 3 pm. Anthony is sending a confirmation email.


Add Roma (claudia.hernandez@rice.edu) as department rep for Philosophy, update the page, and publish.


Add new brown bags.

Add private meetings (e.g., Arnaud, Shumway)


11.15 at 4 pm

Need flier (who?); blog post and Facebook event (Larry)

Grant Cap Issue

Leo Costello’s update:

G&PDS office says there is no cap at their level. G&PDS – no cap.

Art History – no cap.

We do not know about other departments.

Sanders’ office says, when a grant comes in with a budget, they follow the budget. If no budget, they have a formula—and sometimes some grant money will go to Rice to cover “overhead” (or admin).

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