march general meeting

Please join us for our March general meeting, March 23 at 12:30pm (room TBA). We’ll be discussing the HSS Speaker Series, the professionalization roundtable, and HGSA officer elections for the coming academic year.

humanities and social sciences speaker series

HSSSS flyer promo 1

On April 15th and 16th, the HGSA, in conjunction with the SSGSA, is proud to present the first annual Humanities and Social Sciences Speaker Series. The event is a forum for graduate students to showcase their research and share their work with an interdisciplinary audience. The two-day Speaker Series will ask participants — both professors and graduate students — to answer the question “what’s your contribution?” in the form of a seven-minute presentation.

A full program is coming soon. Check out the website for more information!

professionalization roundtable

professionalization poster

On Friday, April 8, from 12:00 to 1:00pm in HUMA117, the HGSA will host a professionalization roundtable to discuss alternative academic careers. We’ve assembled a great quartet of speakers, all of whom hold PhDs in the Humanities: Elizabeth Festa, the Associate Director of the Center for Written, Oral, and Visual Communication; Melissa Bailar, the Associate Director of the Humanities Research Center; Joshua Eyler, the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence; and Molly Slattery, a Proposal Development Specialist.

Bring your lunch and your questions — we’ll provide desserts and drinks!

2016-2017 hgsa officer elections

On Wednesday, April 6 at 12:00 noon, the HGSA will hold elections for 2016-17 officer positions:

  • president: The HGSA President facilitates meetings and serves as a liaison between students, staff, faculty, and the Office of the Dean of Humanities. The president is also responsible for the continual operations and growth of the HGSA.
  • internal vice president: The HGSA Internal Vice President serves as a liaison between the HGSA and other student organizations and alumni members.
  • external vice president: The HGSA External Vice President arranges different academic events every semester, including a reception for Humanities graduate students.
  • treasurer: The HGSA Treasurer oversees all financial considerations and serves as a liaison to the Programs and Departments Coordinator of the Office of Student Activities.
  • secretary: The HGSA Secretary records meeting minutes and votes, composes the HGSA newsletter, maintains the HGSA website, and maintains a current list of all contacts.

To nominate someone (including yourself) for a position, send an email to

Want to learn more about each officer’s role? Email the current HGSA officers with questions!


Mark Celeste (English) has a forthcoming publication, “Metonymic Chains: Shipwreck, Slavery, and Networks in Villette,” in a special issue of Victorian Review, “The Brontës and Critical Interventions in Victorian Studies” (Fall 2016).

Rainer Ebert (Philosophy) presented a paper, “The Wrongness of Killing Animals,” at the 12th Annual Essays of Significance Conference, held in March 2016 at the University of Windsor, Canada.

Jane Evans (Art History) has been awarded the Wagoner Foreign Study Scholarship. With this award, Jane will travel to the UK to conduct primary source research related to her dissertation. Her project addresses the way British landscape painting of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries both reflects and affects the relationships among aesthetics, environment, and class, thus revealing an eco-social network. She will spend time working in a variety of archives and collections that will take her from London to Wales, and Norfolk to Scotland. Not only will she work with artistic material at such institutions as the British Museum and Tate, but also she will mine less commonly used resources such as those in the Natural History Museum, the Ipswich County Record Office, and the Norfolk Historic Environment Record.

Abby Goode (English) has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Early American Literature at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire. Abby also has a new forthcoming publication, “No ‘Rural Bowl of Milk’: Demographic Agrarianism and Unsustainability in Pierre,” in Studies in American Fiction (Spring 2017).

Rachel Pasierowska (History) has received a Wagoner Fellowship for research in Cuba during 2017. She has also received an HRC Fellowship for research in Brazil.

Lindsay E. Sherrier (English) was awarded a teaching assistantship position for a Fall 2016 FWIS course.


upcoming conferences & lectures


Spread the word! Are you or your department hosting an upcoming conference or a lecture? Email us at, and we’ll add your information to this list.

call for accomplishments

Celebrate your achievements! Keep us informed about your conference participation, fellowships, and anything else noteworthy that demonstrates the achievements of Rice’s Humanities grad students. Send your name and department along with information about your accomplishment to or your department representative.

To sign up for the HGSA newsletter, send an email to

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