end-of-the-year happy hour

Need a break (or some inspiration) for those final papers? Want to meet other Humanities grad students? Do you just want some free food and drinks?

Join us tonight (Wednesday, Dec. 2) at Valhalla, from 6:30-9:30. Come celebrate the end of the semester with free pizza and beer!

the humanities and social sciences speaker series

We’re excited to announce our changes to the annual HGSA conference, and we hope you’ll be excited as well. Together with the Social Sciences Graduate Student Association (SSGSA), we’re proud to announce the first annual Humanities and Social Sciences Speaker Series.

The two-day event will ask participants to answer the question “What’s your contribution?” in the form of a seven-minute, highly visual presentation.

We want to showcase the hard work of and important scholarship of graduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The HGSA and SSGSA hope this new event will provide an opportunity for all of us to share our research with a wider audience.

Look out for more details in the official call for submissions coming next week.

gradstarter speaker series proposal

To help support the Humanities and Social Sciences Speaker Series, we’ve applied for GradStarter funding. Please check out our proposal to learn more about the conference. Submit your comments and suggestions, and be sure to vote in the GradStarter poll.


Hannah Biggs (English) received an Archival Fellow and Scholar in Residence scholarship for 2016-17 at the Malabar Farm State Park. Hannah also published her essay, “After the Pulitzer: Louis Bromfield and Midwest Agrarianism,” as a chapter in The Midwestern Moment: Essays in Early Twentieth-Century Midwestern Regionalism (Hastings College Press). She also presented two papers: “Louis Bromfield and Grandma Moses: Midwestern Influences on Rural Imagery” at the Modernist Studies Association conference, and “‘Muck’ Matters: Excrement and Filth in British Television Rural Medical Narratives” at the Midwest Modern Language Association Conference.

William Black (History) presented his paper, Boler v. Boler: Anti-Shakerism and Marriage Law in Kentucky,” at the Communal Studies Association in Pleasant Hill, KY.

Lorena Gauthereau (English) received the 2015 Louis Owens Award for her paper, “Vendidos: Affect-Culture and the Coloniality of Selling Out in Luis Valdez’s ‘Los Vendidos’,” which she presented at the Western Literature Association conference. Lorena also presented her paper, “Vendidos: Coloniality, Affect-Culture, and Class in Luis Valdez’s ‘Los Vendidos'” at the Tecnológico de Monterrey’s VI International conference.

Rachel Pasierowska (History) was awarded the Mary Hayes Ewing Prize for Best Article in southern History in April 2015. Rachel also presented a paper at the University of Portsmouth in November 2015.

Natasha Tze Mao (Art History) was awarded funding by the HRC for a research trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to study a sixteenth-century puzzle jug. Natasha will also be co-teaching a course on Roman architecture and urbanism with Professor John Hopkins (Art History) in Rome, May-June 2016. She will also present her paper, “Italian Courtesans in Early Modern Interactive Art,” at the RSA Conference in 2016.

Carolyn Van Wingerden (Art History) won a GSA Enrichment Grant to support the Vagantes Conference on Medieval Studies, which will be hosted by Rice in February 2016.

upcoming conferences & lectures



Spread the word! Are you or your department hosting an upcoming conference or a lecture? Email us at hgsa@rice.edu, and we’ll add your information to this list.

call for accomplishments

Celebrate your achievements! Keep us informed about your conference participation, fellowships, and anything else noteworthy that demonstrates the achievements of Rice’s Humanities grad students. Send your name and department along with information about your accomplishment to hgsa@rice.edu or your department representative.

To sign up for the HGSA newsletter, send an email to hgsa@rice.edu.

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